Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cancel Painful Mistakes... The Groundhog Day Technique Revisited!

(I originally wrote this article in 2002. It was quite popular back then and I improved this version with a little editing.)

Do you feel stuck on the treadmill of life? Are your days less than exciting and lacking fulfillment? Do you regret certain things you've done and wish you could have a 'do over'?

Then you may be interested in learning what I call "The Groundhog Day Technique." Part of this technique, I gleaned from the book, Awakened Imagination, by Neville Goddard and the other part, from the classic movie "Groundhog Day," with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. I've used this method with great results for years. May it be as useful to you.

Awakened Imagination has a chapter on forgiving yourself and recreating your day, the way you would have liked it to go, in your imagination. By closing my eyes and viewing the day, the way I want it to be, I am, in a sense, rewriting my reality. It's just like being in the movie Groundhog Day.

In that movie, the main character, Bill Murray (the egotistical weatherman Phil Conners), constantly relives a snowy Groundhog Day (up to 10 years worth of the same day), February 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. For most of the movie, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania is the last place he wants to be. This is the town where if the groundhog sees his shadow, we are supposed to have six more weeks of winter.

Every morning he wakes up at 6am to the same old song and voices on the radio, and its Groundhog Day all over again. Everything is exactly the same. Things can only change if he takes different actions. He is the only person who remembers what happened on the previous versions of Groundhog Day. For everyone else, it's like any other normal day, and they don't know what is going to happen or remember the past versions of the day.

It is one of my favorite movies. He goes through many different experiences. He realizes he doesn't have to suffer any consequences because the next day he gets to start all over again.

Therefore, he indulges himself with all sorts of food and pastries. He finds out personal details about a woman so he can convince her they went to the same high school in order to get her to sleep with him. On later days, he starts breaking the law and he ends up in jail, but in the morning, he wakes up in the hotel and its Groundhog Day, all over again.

Later he kills himself. He does so several times but the next day he wakes up in the same bed and it's Groundhog Day all over again.

After thousands of days of the same day, he starts turning himself into a better man. He starts saving people, taking piano lessons, learnes the names of all the people in the town and gets to know just about everyone.

Eventually he is able to get his girl, but only when he's given up on that goal, via manipulation and trickery and instead is just doing good deeds, all day long and being himself. She ends up loving him because of the man he became. Previously he tried to seduce her by knowing all her interests but she intuitively felt something was wrong.

It is a wonderful movie and even has a few funny moments in it. I don't understand why people call it a comedy. It's actually a deeply inspiring spiritual story.

Your Own Groundhog Day

In essence, we have our own Groundhog Days every time we wake up. We can choose to live our lives and get the most out of them or be like Bill Murray was at first; very negative and self-centered. Each day is a chance to improve on the previous day. And we can even correct problems from the past.

How To Do The Groundhog Day Technique

Before falling asleep at night, simply visualize your day the way you would have liked it to go. Do you wish you didn't do or say something? Do you wish you had worked on a project instead of channel surfing the TV for 4 hours and having watched nothing interesting? Just look at your whole day and see areas of your day the way you wish they were. Make it a reality in your imagination. Even if you got negative news, replay it in your imagination in a positive light.

Even if events happen, you can take away the sting by visualizing a positive outcome. Say you had an argument with someone at work. You can visualize the experience, as having gone on without any confrontation at all. The amazing thing is that your visualization will affect the other person on a subconscious level. I've proven this in my own life repeatedly. We are all interconnected spiritually. If you send out positive vibrations, then only good things will come back to you. You don't have to react to circumstances -- you can create them.

If you visualize bad things, then bad things will come back to you. Don't be quick to anger because it will come back to you. Your thoughts are very powerful -- you must be careful with them. Be careful in how you speak to yourself, in your inner dialogue. What you say will manifest itself in some form in your life. It may simply manifest in limited thinking and therefore limited results.

Now to the second part of the technique: I start my day in the morning by visualizing how I would like my day to go. You can visualize things you expect to do. You can also visualize meeting people or having a day of adventure. You'll certainly have a better chance of attracting these things into your life if you expect them to happen. You can even repeat to yourself that you are going to have a magical day. Try it, it works.

Say it Now: "I'm going to have a magical day."

I've been getting fantastic results. I get much more accomplished. Plus my day is infused with the magic of imagination. I live the life I've imagined and it is extremely enjoyable.

Visualization is equivalent to programming a computer, except you are programming your own mind. It's a great way to get you doing more of what you really want to do, even if you have some initial resistance or bad habits.

I just do a short reading of a spiritually inspiring book and then I do my visualization for 10 to 15 minutes. Then at night, I do another visualization as I go to bed and relive my day the way I would have liked it to go. But as I'm improving, I find less need to revise the day because I am more and more happy with the way my day is going.

You could shorten the technique even more by doing it at night in bed as you are falling asleep. Then in the morning visualize your day going the way you want it to go while you are still in bed. Even if you just put in 5 minutes a day, morning and night total, the technique is quite effective because you are creating your day rather than reacting to it.

Another thing you can do is to revise past events that are still bothering you. They could have been from years back. However, if you have guilt or anger from a past event, that anger is still affecting you in the present. You have to forgive to be able to move on in life.

Anger and feelings of guilt, attract discord and negative results in your life. That is why it's not good to be argumentative or to be pessimistic. You attract into your life what you imagine and what you BELIEVE you are. Why not be an optimist instead? You'll find that you have a much more positive and magical life when you do this.

The Greatest Power Is Your Imagination, Roger Haeske

P.S. How would you like to become a powerful magnet and magically attract riches, relationships and rewards of all kinds? I highly recommend you get this life changing, complimentary, 51 page report on the "Law of Attraction," written by my friend Barry Goss. Click this link to get it:

1 comment:

harmoniconvergence said...

that was a great article, thank you! The wisdom resonates well and illuminates the gifts of being very present in life.

Thanks for sharing,